Published on 08/08/2021

The charming Taquile Island, in the largest part of Lake Titicaca, promises its visitors a unique experience with majestic views of Lake Titicaca, unique traditions and typical local food.

Located 37Kms from the port of Puno, upon our arrival on the island, it is inevitable to notice with the naked eye that the locals have an unusual lifestyle, following their ancestral traditions and in addition to possessing fabrics that were declared by UNESCO as a Heritage Masterpiece oral and immaterial of humanity in the year 2005.

Walking around the island brings us a feeling of peace and quiet that would be impossible to experience in the city, in addition, little by little, to learn more about the culture of an ancestral people that claim to be able to weave their own life and history in the fabrics that they are part of their tradition.


The Taquileños are heirs of a millenary culture that is expressed in its system of authorities, its agricultural practice with crop rotation, its ritual-festive system, music, dances and in the set of norms and values ​​that govern the relationship with the natural and social environment.


In our adventure to discover the traditions of this wonderful place, the inhabitants of the island share with us their traditions, their beliefs, their experiences and make us feel that the world stops for a few moments to be able to bathe in knowledge as old as it is valuable for all those who are proud to be a living part of it.