Published on 02/08/2021

A place where serenity is present wherever we look and the energy it gives us is as gratifying as the landscapes that show us the capricious rock formations of millions of years ago, embark on a mystical journey to Aramu Muru inter-dimensional door located between rocky sandstone formations and landscapes on the shores of Lake Titicaca that take us to a world in which nothing is impossible.
The inter-dimensional gate of Aramu muru is located 74 Kms (1hr 30min) from the city of Puno on the road to Bolivia, during the journey we passed through several communities which keep alive their ancestral customs and traditions that are part of their daily living.


 Upon our arrival at Aramu muru, it is inevitable to feel surrounded by that mystical and special energy that transports us in time and space, those times when pre-Inca cultures inhabited the sacred space of Lake Titicaca and lived in harmony with all the laws of nature.


 It is only necessary to let the imagination fly for a few moments to become part of the site, find different forms of animals in the whimsical sedimentary formations of millions of years ago, connect with the stillness of the place and simply let our gaze melt into the infinite blue of the waters of Titicaca will make our experience unforgettable.
