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Duration 6 hours
Availability Todo el año
Persons From 2 To 20 persons


Our transfer will visit you at your Hotel to transfer you to the starting point of this unforgettable city tour in the city of Cusco, approximately between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. We will start the tour in the Cathedral of Cusco full of history and valuable works of art, then we will visit Sacsayhuaman and the nearby archaeological centers, Qenqo, Puca - Pucara and finally Tambomachay. Our tour ends at 6:30 p.m. approx.



Durante el tour a CITY TOUR - CUSCO podrás realizar las siguientes actividades que ya se encuentran incluídas en el precio:

 Our tour starts between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Starting with the Cathedral of Cusco, decorated with fine carved woodwork and impressive altars and beautiful paintings, made by the hands of local artists from the Cusco School, which keep hidden elements of indigenous thought. 

Then we will make a brief walk through the streets of the historic center towards the Qoricancha or Temple of the Sun considered an indigenous religious sanctuary, where we will appreciate the very fine work of lithic technology carried out by the Incas, with the highest level of cutting in hard stone without being a sheet of paper can be inserted and that despite the earthquakes they remain stable to date. 

After the visit to the Qoricancha we will board the bus that will take us to Sacsayhuaman located 3km away. from the city of Cusco, Sacsayhuaman offers us a panoramic view of the city of Cusco, Sacsayhuaman was built with large blocks of limestone weighing 25 to 130 tons. Composed of three superimposed terraces in a serpentine way (zigzag). We will also arrive at Qenqo, which means labyrinth, it is located one kilometer from Sacsayhuaman, it establishes a construction based on limestone rock that shows stone sculpture in 500 m2 accompanied by structures that according to historians were used for astronomical, religious and cultural studies. embalming and / or mummification. 

Then we will know Puca Pucara: from two Quechua words that means Puca (red) Pucara (fortress) "red fortress", a strategic place for control and surveillance of access and exit from the Imperial city of Cusco, which was used as a territorial border for divide the regions and establish the regimes of displacement. 

Finally we will visit Tambomachay: resting place, located 9 km from the city of Cusco, better known as the Inca Baths for the water sources, or also known as the waters of eternal youth because of the constant flow of its waters. and offers us part of the Inca trail that goes from Cusco to Machupicchu. This city tour in the city of Cusco ends at approximately 6:30 p.m.  

Start your journey now.

Per person $155.00 View payment methods


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